For all of you who so graciously purchased a copy of Car Sick on my word that you’d someday see something, I’ve not been intending to fleece you, although, in light of my disappearance from the site for the last few months, I understand if that’s what you were thinking. An explanation is probably in order.
Chalk it up to ‘artistic temperament.’ A few months ago I ‘hit a wall’. It happens. I find when it does I just need to wait it out and eventually some sense of inspiration will come back. My procrastination was compounded by a number of personal matters, details of which I won’t bore you, except to say that a switch from open-source Scribus design software to Adobe’s InDesign has been helpful and I’ve got a final PDF printable draft ready to go.
Final copy will be clothbound 7×10, 120 pages with 80 B&W CMYK printed photos. All design and editing done “in house” i.e. by me. I like it and trust you will too.
I’ll keep you updated as production proceeds. Thanks for your generosity and your patience.

Hits: 11
Tim, to my mind, delaying the final production of your book for artistic and technical reasons, is somewhat trivial.
At least, compared to putting people under house arrest and forcing them out of gainful employment, for a disease which poses a serious danger to comparatively few of us (even accepting that I am one).
I cannot for the life of me, believe that the response by the governments of the world is proportionate, and concur as I frequently do with your superb president (shame about the personality), that the cure might well be worse than the disease.
Just about everything that both Brexit and Trump stand for leads to the shorter supply chains and reduced freedom of movement (for employment and goods), that our green friends have been forcefully demanding. The internet will ensure that the ideas continue to flow, except of course for those benighted souls blinded by censorship.
So the attacks by those that still control the underlying government machinery is understandable, but not acceptable, blame it on the lack of traditional education that these people have been subjected to.
Oh, and try to avoid the impulse purchase of a Monochrome, it might be perfect(ish), but it is also boring.
I am into your upcoming book precisely because of the imperfections of the old technology, coupled with your always interesting compositions.
Try to remember your Barthes(ian) philosophy…
Allow me to remind you that I am available for proof-reading services and whatever other commentary you would like. I shan’t be offended to not hear from you, of course, but you are welcome to send me anything you like and I promise to:
1. turn it around promptly
2. destroy immediately afterwards
Andrew: Im sending you a PDF. Take a look.
No worries. We’ve all been a little distracted.
These look really lovely. I’m new to this site and really appreciate the philosophy, and the photographs. They embrace all the strengths of analogue – slow, grainy, abstracted, contemplative and moody. The books looks incredibly well put together, too, and I’ll be placing an order. I also appreciate the someone resigned appreciation of our love of ‘gear’ (I honestly can’t tell the difference between negs taken with an M6 TTL and Summicron, and those taken with a 20$ 1960s Mamiya rangefinder) and the acceptance that our fetishising Leica is more than a little ridiculous. Having said that, my M5 + Orion 15 is a “cold, dead hands” situations! great stuff, and great blog.