- Sold on Ebay
- Comes with “original box”
- Comes with a bunch of brochures
- Seller claims it was “special ordered”
- Description of camera includes reference to “Dad’s Notes”
- Has passed through the hands of Third Man Cameras in Stuart, Florida
- Looks like it’s never been used
- New Vulcanite, period
- Ebay seller’s mugshot found on web
- Serial number has asterisk
- Owned previously by Lenny Kravitz
- Found in trunk with 3 pristine Black Paint Noctilux (all for sale separately)
- Seller studiously avoids mentioning serial number
- Ebay seller has history of posts on camera forums asking how to paint M bodies
- Owned previously by “Busby Catanach” of Wawatosa, Wisconsin
Hits: 475
I’m holding off painting my Leicas because in a few years time they’ll be the only Chrome ones left.
Say, that’s one unique Leica you show there….know where you can find any others like it? Or is it a one-off? If so….I’ll bet it’s worth a fortune……