15 Clues Your Black Paint Leica is Fake

fake sculture

  1. Sold on Ebay
  2. Comes with “original box”
  3. Comes with a bunch of brochures
  4. Seller claims it was “special ordered”
  5. Description of camera includes reference to “Dad’s Notes”
  6. Has passed through the hands of Third Man Cameras in Stuart, Florida
  7. Looks like it’s never been used
  8. New Vulcanite, period
  9. Ebay seller’s mugshot found on web
  10. Serial number has asterisk
  11. Owned previously by Lenny Kravitz
  12. Found in trunk with 3 pristine Black Paint Noctilux (all for sale separately)
  13. Seller studiously avoids mentioning serial number
  14. Ebay seller has history of posts on camera forums asking how to paint M bodies
  15. Owned previously by “Busby Catanach” of Wawatosa, Wisconsin

Hits: 475

2 thoughts on “15 Clues Your Black Paint Leica is Fake

  1. PWL

    Say, that’s one unique Leica you show there….know where you can find any others like it? Or is it a one-off? If so….I’ll bet it’s worth a fortune……

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