Update 1/2/2023

This is going to be my last post on the blog. I’m going to try to avoid the embarrassment of announcing I’m dying and then continuing to live on. I’ve just got through with another surgery and the general consensus is I’ve got significant cancer throughout and it’s just a matter of time.

I’m really grateful that I’ve had these extra few months. It reinvigorated me and gave me something creative to do, and a lot of you have reached out to me, which really helped me a lot. Thank you for your concern, and it’s been wonderful knowing you’ve taken something away from what I’ve done here.

My wife is going to leave the blog up. What she does with it is up to her. I’m sure she’ll probably be putting some of my things up for sale. We’ll see.

Now it’s on to wherever, or nowhere as the case may be. Who knows…….

Best Regards to Everyone. Tim

Hits: 857

35 thoughts on “Update 1/2/2023

  1. Mike

    I am sorry to hear your news.
    I am in the position of knowing multiple people diagnosed with CA, and working with cancer patients on a daily basis.
    There is little I can say.
    Thanks you for all that you have done.
    I wish you peace.


  2. Roy

    I’ve always enjoyed your insights, photographic philosophy and most of all your opinions. Will miss you and your blog.

  3. Rob Campbell

    Tim, there is no embarrassment in such “announcements”: they are simply relayed medics’ reports and opinions. They have often been wrong before.

    If you physically feel up to it, still enjoy it, why not just post until you don’t?

    Either way, it is, and has been, a great pleasure to have known you in this odd world of electronic friendships. Not only have I enjoyed your writings, but also the opportunity to reply. You are one special kinda mind, rare and to be treasured.

    Power to you, amigo; I hope I really meet you in the next go round.

  4. Aaron

    Tim – Thanks for sharing so much of yourself, both personally and creatively. You’ll be remembered and missed.


  5. Robert Coscia

    We (Beth & I) Thank you very much for all the years of time, effort, knowledge and sharing that you have compiled and organized on your site for us. I’m a bit late to the party, but have read, learned and laughed quite a bit reading through your blogs and enjoyed your images.
    You will be pleased to hear the US Postal service finally made the tube you sent a reality by actually delivering it, and what a wonderful surprise we found inside, a tube of kindness for you to send us those 3 most enjoyable images of Paris, Beth already has areas picked out for them! That was over the top, we will always remember you, your kindness and talent, everyday, when we view and are inspired by your images.
    Kodak and Ilford will thank you as it has already made me shoot more film than my normal.
    Selfishly, its always a loss, more so to those left behind, to loose a well spoken clear thinker, talented writer, life photographer, all around great guy, who helps give us another perspective and tips on many of lifes photographical issues that we all share and who takes the time to walk the walk (your website) in helping others with items/blogs of value, all on your own dime no less.
    I am very glad you had taken the road to years of fulfilling your photographic dreams, that must be very satisfying.
    Until the next exposure, we Thank you ,
    Rob Coscia and Beth

  6. Joe DuPont

    Tim…Thank you for all that you have shared over the years. You will be missed.
    I wish you a peaceful end of days.



    Thank you, Tim. I admire what you’ve done and who you are and will sincerely miss you.

  8. Bill B

    Hey Tim, it’s been a pleasure talking to you over the internet and reading your ideas. All the best for the journey ahead. Best wishes to you and your family. Cheers, Bill.

  9. Keith Laban

    Tim, I’m sure your herculean efforts, particularly over the past few months in difficult circumstances have been appreciated by all here. Your voice and images will be greatly missed.



  10. Andrew

    Thanks for all the entertainment and insight. In whatever time you have left, keep fighting the good fight against BS and for beauty, humor and photography.

  11. weesen

    Thank you for all the wonderful writings.
    I’ll miss reading and learning from you.
    Wishing you peace and comfort.

  12. Dan Newell

    An old Navajo dude facing the same thing said “These things happen to people” which is a hell of a statement when you appreciate the arc of our existence, Sounds like you are there which is as good a place as you can be.

    Thanks for all the ruminations, photographic and otherwise, it’s been a kick as well as a nudge, considering all the craziness, to define the trip so well.

    Says here on my menu that waiting for the ride should be mellow and sweet. I’ll swing with that.

  13. Dogman

    Thank you for everything, Tim. You’ve been an inspiration and a mentor to many whether you know it or not. The recent radio silence had me worried but I was hoping I was wrong. Be strong. Be at peace. Whatever comes next is whatever. Love you, brother.

  14. Henry J.

    Thanks for all the wisdom and great blog posts and wit and humour. I am so glad that I met you through this blog. And thanks above all for the ~100m of film! At last I found a supplier in Kiev, Ukraine (!) of high-quality empty film cassettes; they made through the ‘special military operation’ here to Paris and over the next few weeks I plan to put the two together and expose all that film to the wintery gray Parisian light. Until the next time, I am sure there is a next time. Henry.

  15. stefano a.


    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    No words can makes this moment easier; we all know it is coming, we are just never ready for it.
    It looks like you actually are, and it is – in a twisted way – a blessing.
    I suffered a massive heart attack a few years ago and briefly went to the other side. The doctor decided it was not my time to go – yet – and brought me back. Every day is a gift, our duty is to try not to waste it. You certainly did not waste a moment.
    We are never really gone until we are forgotten, so I guess this makes you immortal, at least in our eyes.
    So long, my friend – allow me to use that word, even if we never met.

  16. Pierre Saget

    I’m happy that you used some of your time to continue to make insightful posts here. Even the excitement of shooting film again and trying new cameras has been beautifully life affirming. I am happy that I finally left comments on a few of your posts. I’m saddened that the end is coming so suddenly. The months really did fly by. If you get to read this, thank you again for spending part of your life on Earth on this blog. Time is the one thing you can never get back. Each minute you spent typing, uploading photos and replying to comments has been a gift, even if you didn’t think of it as such at the time.

  17. Steve K

    Thank you Tim,

    Your insights have made a difference in many lives. We should all hope to achieve as much.

    Peace, my friend.


  18. Takeshi

    Thanks, Tim. We never met personally but I’ve learned so many things from your writings and photographs you have shared with us. Especially during these last months. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Thank you.

  19. StephenJ

    Thanks Tim, and bless you.

    I still have Car Sick to look forward to, you sent it to my nephew in Boston after the original went AWOL during its trip across the pond to London.

    I will never forget the brilliant and often cantankerous views that you expressed on this portal.

    You never know, that cantankerous nature might let you defy the gods/doctors (same thing they think) yet again.

    As that UK/US politician once said “Keep buggering on”! wherever you may be.

  20. Andreas Leemann

    I am very grateful you shared your ideas, thoughts and photographs. An inspiration.
    Thank you Tim

  21. Keith Beven


    I do not normally post comments but this is a truly special occasion, as witnessed by all the other appreciative comments. I can only echo them in thanking you for being such an inspiration to us all, especially in these remarkable last few weeks, and to wish you a period of peace with your family.


  22. Petr

    Tim, you might like how Josef Koudelka thought about his life’s journey: “Once I became friends with a Yugoslav gypsy, an excellent guy. He said to me: ‘Josef, you have traveled for so many years, you have not stopped, you have seen many people, countries and places, tell me where is the best? Where would you like to stay?’ I remained silent. As the meeting drew to a close, he asked again. I didn’t want to answer, but he insisted. Finally he said, ‘You know, I got it. You don’t want to answer because you haven’t found such a place yet. You are traveling because you are still looking for that place.’ I said to him: ‘My friend, everything is wrong. I’m trying desperately not to find that place.'”

  23. Brian Sweeney

    Tim- You are a brave man. I hope you beat the odds AGAIN and was happy that you kept posting.
    Beat them again.


  24. Paul Carter

    Tim, Thank you for your way of defining what is important about photography and living. That razor sharp wit helped too, especially given the deluge of crap that spews from the internet.

    I will reread you often and keep your ideas turning over in my mind.

    We will all think good thoughts about you and the loved ones you are leaving. Peace.

    ~ paul

  25. Chris Kuck

    it has been a pleasure to follow you for the last 8 years. You have been a constant inspiration and kept be coming back on the streets to photograph, when my own motivation was low. I started to shoot analog in 2014 and asked myself not only once “what the hack I am actually doing?!” while the “rest” of the world shot digital. With your blog you gave me a harbour and also a lighthouse. Thank you for all you have done with your thought- and meaningful writing. I wish you great strength, peace and happiness for your last journey – every end is a new beginning…
    Yours Chris

  26. Arnaud

    Sad news. I will miss your words, and pictures.

    Thank you for all the energy, and creativity that you’ve put in this website. It’s a gem.

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