Happy Holidays/Joyeux Noel/Feliz Navidad/Buone Feste/Prettige Kerstdagen Toegewenst/Fröhliche Weihnachten

My Christmas Leica with some Christmas Swag – A cool book, some North Carolina Tar Heel Socks and a fancy bottle of Bourbon

Leicaphilia had 2.2 Million hits this past year. Not bad. And yes, the IIIg has orange leatherette…but it’s also got a really cool Carl Zeiss Jena 5cm 1.5.

Hits: 137

10 thoughts on “Happy Holidays/Joyeux Noel/Feliz Navidad/Buone Feste/Prettige Kerstdagen Toegewenst/Fröhliche Weihnachten

  1. Harry B Houchins

    Happy Christmas to you as well. Was out yesterday afternoon in the slanting, late afternoon sun with my M3 with Summicron 50 and finished a roll of Silvermax to develop today. Gotta love it.
    Thank you for a consistently high level of discourse and I look forward to the next year…

    Harry B
    Eugene, Oregon

  2. Victor Valdez

    Very much enjoyed the content in your blog. Keep it going in 2017.
    Beautiful lllG; enjoying my M4 experience.

  3. David H.

    As Harry B. said ” Thank you for a consistently high level of discourse…” Not a Leica shooter either, but always enjoy reading this blog. Wish you a happy New Year.

    David H.

  4. Hector

    I’m always looking forward to your articles. They help me rethink my photography and create meaningful images. Wishing you a great 2017!

  5. Rob Campbell

    ” They help me rethink my photography and create meaningful images.”

    Ah Hector, most of my pictures these days are meaningful too; mostly they mean there’s not a lot to say…

    Have a great 2017!



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