Here’s hoping you got that Lenny Kravitz Drifter Leica for Xmas. I’m taking a short sabbatical, will probably be back in a week or so. Unfortunately, I’ve been busy with other commitments and, coupled with ongoing computer issues, I’ve not given Leicaphilia much thought. I can assure you that will change, although I’m not exactly sure when.
Thank you to everyone who advanced purchased a copy of Car Sick. If you’re on my gofundme page as a donor, no worries, you’re gonna get a book…or two. I’m thinking March or thereabouts. Frankly, I’m stunned at how many of you chipped in. I’m grateful to each and every one of you.
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Oh yes! But no Lenny K. but a Finny Pirat That means a new BW film for my beloved M4 😉
happy New Year to all
Well, Santa didn’t bring me a drifter or a correspondent, drats! lol. But I did get myself a luvly black M10-P with the Leica Black Friday discount… (to complement my beloved M4).
I think Leica really got the digital M right with this one. Every time I pick it up my thumb reflexively goes to wind the film. It feels right.
You’ll still have to pry my M4 from my cold dead paws tho!
Here’s to a great New Year!
Best wishes to all!
A happy new year, good health and good light to all.
Leica have introduced a new version of their “monochrome” camera, it looks lovely…
But I think I will keep my powder dry for the Johnny Cash (man in black) version, with the very spartan M-D treatment.
At that juncture, the only thing missing then, will be the means for making a photograph, the HP5+!
Maybe they will put some in the box?
I’m not a Leica user I’m afraid, but I find your writings on the philosophy of photography very interesting. Thanks for posting.
Your photo of the decaying deer reminds me of some photos I took of a dead raccoon a few years back. I was experimenting with Emerson’s idea that “There is no object so foul that intense light will not make beautiful.” Not sure they came out ‘beautiful’ but they had a certain attraction for me.