“Leica today introduces a new camera, completely dedicated to rangefinder photography.The rangefinder has a complete new design, it has a new sensor and the usability was re-engineered. The camera top has now a dedicated ISO dial, thus all relevant parameters are directly visible and accessible.”
Leica-world is abuzz with anticipation in the wake of Leica’s official announcement of the M10 (I thought they said they weren’t going to number the M’s anymore?). Apparently, it’s a “revolutionary evolution” of the iconic M series [a necessary contradiction of terms BTW]; as best I can tell, it’s a sliver thinner and has a manual ISO dial on the top plate in addition to a new sensor and wifi capability, all of which promises to magically transform your photographic experience. Erwin Puts is of the opinion that Leicaphiles need to immediately run out and get one or else be forever consigned to the dustbin of technological irrelevancy. $6950.
Hits: 250
Yeah, but ‘buy this now’ is the heartbeat of the Capitalist system in general and digital products especially. Whether you like it or not it delivers the goods better than any other economic experiment going. However, you are right about the contradiction (revolutionary vs. M). It’s grating to see rapid turnover digital cameras being pitched using a legacy built on cameras with functional lifespans measured in decades but I hope the folks in Wetzlar sell a million, if only so they can keep building the film cameras. I don’t have an M-A but, the glass aside, if you want to talk the future of Leica’s legacy, that’s it. Everything else just pays the bills.
Well done Erwin, I’ve bookmarked your review of the M10 to combat my next bout of insomnia….a sound nights sleep awaits.
Truly grateful.
Interesting – Erwin Puts as a sleep aide. Never considered the possibility. My theory has always been that Puts is a Leica engineered bot tasked with stupifying potential Leica consumers into a state of reduced peripheral awareness and hence enhanced suceptibility to marketing pitch.
I read Erwin’s review. He said its a meaningful upgrade for M9 users, but not necessarily so for M240 users.
I do find this an exciting upgrade, mainly for the improved viewfinder and rangefinder and the better EVF (for ultra wides or lenses longer than 90mm).
I’m not buying one though, as I’s still quite happy with my current kit.
The only upgrade that’s occupying my thoughts is wether I should replace the crumbling vulcanite on my M2 with black or brown leather.
your comment made me smile. thank you!
I have always liked Puts writing on Leica cameras. One central theme of his writing on Leica photography seems to be “Leica CRF” as a revolutionary and unique experience, starting with Barnak’s first models, and running through current M digital cameras. I have not read the M10 review, but, as I write this, I am confident that I will find that much of the review will relate to how the M10 camera relates to the essence of “Leica CRF” photography. I give Puts credit for emphasis on something worth emphasizing……You do not see others referring to Sony, Olympus, Pentax, Nikon, or Canon photography in the same manner. Well, maybe there is a bit of it in Thom Hogan’s writing on Nikon.
Puts conceptualization of this unique ghost-in-the-machine aspect of “Leica CRF” is something that I am only now beginning to appreciate in full. In my case, it has come through traveling backwards. Some months ago I stumbled upon a very inexpensive Zeiss Contessa 35mm, rangefinder camera (folding variety) that was in perfect working order. I now routinely use the thing as it provides variety of experience, as well as brilliant photographs…..It is a fun camera, embodying much of the esthetic charm of old Leica rangefinders. Adding to the experience is the fact that my limited capacity, and desire, to technically evaluate image quality allows me to be just a happy with the film images from the Contessa, as with various images from my Leica cameras and lenses. But, after using the Contessa, and then taking the IIIG or IIIA out, the superiority of the Leica cameras- as tools in use- has hit me like a hammer: There is just a better chance that I will be able to take advantage of unexpected opportunity if I have one of the Leicas around my neck. It is becomming apparent to me…………….this ‘Leica CRF” thing Puts keeps writing about.
I, too, am cheering for the success of M10; I hope they sell millions of them. I want the M to survive as a going concern. The problem for Leica, at least in this household, is that the M9 just keeps getting better and better.