Leica’s “Urban Jungle” CL

Leica has introduced a new CL model, designed “in collaboration” with French-Italian “photographer” and mega-yacht owner Jean Pigozzi, based on the original CL released two years ago.  Mr. Pigozzi is the same guy who in 2017 designed the Sofort “LimoLand” instant camera. Mr. Pigozzi’s “affinity for small, unobtrusive cameras and his love for the Leica brand inspired the French-Italian photographer, entrepreneur and art collector to design the ‘Leica CL URBAN JUNGLE by JEAN PIGOZZI’. ”

Mr. Pigozzi’s 67 Meter Yacht. True

Apparently, what’s “new” is the leatherette covering, which reflects the undeniable panache of Mr. Pigozzi, and a new “award winning” grey rope strap “to match the body’s styling” [Who knew there were awards for camera straps?] Internals are the same as before – a 24.2MP APS-C sensor, EyeRes viewfinder, Maestro processor and Elmarit-TL 18 mm f/2.8 ASPH lens, which gives the user an effective focal length of 27mm. It’s available in Leica stores for $3950 as of June 25.

Somehow, I can’t escape the incongruity of the uber-rich claiming identification with the “urban jungle.” Then again, this is Leica World, where fake aristocrats and third tier pop stars with no photographic chops get feted as visionary creatives.

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7 thoughts on “Leica’s “Urban Jungle” CL

  1. Rob Campbell

    Just the ticket for the next safari – not that there would ever be another willing one: once bitten twice shy.

    I bet the vons and kravvies are in a sweat: old kid makes comeback?

    A pox on etc. etc.

  2. Chris Minnick

    Perhaps graffiti from Bed-Stuy… I can’t relate to the design, let alone the background in the video as “Urban Jungle“. Is this how you sell a $4000 Leica, can you make photographs with it too?

  3. David H

    I wonder if the award winning rope will be available as an accessory? It’d be worth several hundred to slap that baby on your camera.

  4. Rob Campbell

    Must be quite a wealthy man; as Simca is a vanished brand – I think Chrysler took it over in Europe – maybe he’s at a bit of a loose end… at least he appears to have an interest in helping the environment by starting and co-operating with a variety of departments to promote nature research. Money put to good use.

    Anybody know the address where begging letters can find him? I mean, a fellow snapper running the same car for eight years tells its own story! He couldn’t turn his back. Could he?


  5. Dan Castelli

    I just re-read the TIME-LIFE book on Larry Burrows. Then I could only hold out for so long before reading this blurb on Mr Picozzi. I am now sadder than before – the loss of an extraordinary [real] photojournalist such as Burrows – what great work we will never see from his eye & camera due to his untimely death.
    Then the kool-aid driven press comments from Leica rationalizing a useless wrap surrounding a Leica CL by a person who can buy the defunct soul of a once proud company.
    My M2 was distraught. It’s viewfinder was fogged by its tears.

  6. Rob Campbell

    That’s one of the problems with your type of camera: a proper camera, such as a Nikon F, would allow you to remove the viewfinder, wipe away its tears, and replace it when it feels less unhappy with its lot in life.

    Sadly enough – and my own tears are not far away – Nikon also chose to abandon reality and I can no longer remove anything on newer cameras at all, except lenses. Oh, I did manage to scrape away the advertising on one of the straps…


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