“Perfect camera tech creates the illusion of unmediated vision. That amazing picture that looks like it’s real? That’s a deception. This – sort of what it looked like, something like what I saw, something like what I felt – is the truth” — Jeff Sharlet, This Brilliant Darkness: A Book of Strangers
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If I thought a camera could only tell one ‘truth’ – whatever that is – I’d never bother picking one up.
I am not sure Keith, a simple camera gets out of the way and encourages us to compose/see a snap, in my case mostly useless. The hunt continues though… Travelling hopefully and why not?
On the other hand, I can employ an iPhone (or other computational camera) and let the camera produce a vastly reduced range of ideas, but more impressive image than my last iPhone.
The manner in which one waits for elements to fall into place is far more important than the assistive capability of the software in your camera. I am thinking of those train pictures that Tim posted here a couple of years back, not only have none of us ever seen a train that looks that way, it is clear that the elements that were chosen would never fall into place on their own.
Two truths, one created by a bunch of Adobe’s (other software vendors apply too) programmers to impress and allegedly to aid in creativity? The other is the truth of the aggregated knowledge along with the quirks inherent in every human mind.
It seems to me that the popularity of simple film cameras, is that they do only tell one truth… Hence the popularity of polaroid and pinholio etc., the snapper’s truth. I suspect that it is this aspect of analogue v digital that is the main issue, camera manufacturers really want you to be happy with their product, and if it makes your snaps look like HCB’s without the dance, so much the better.
It is pretty much irrelevant whether the sensor is a piece of film or a piece of silicone, it is all the other aids that try to tell “a truth” that most of us cannot make, and those are supplied by all makers bar one, and even that company treat simplicity as a premium advantage, and chuck an extra grand onto the retail price.
The M-D 262 is the model for a decent digital camera, even its replacement (M10-D) that employs the iphone and an app to provide that magical software that the manufacturers want us “benefit” from, is more than is needed.
Set the aperture, shutter speed, focus and fire. Oh, there is one advantage over film, the ISO can be changed with every exposure, there is a big wheel on the back of the camera. Even that in some cases is too much.
“Two truths, one created by a bunch of Adobe’s (other software vendors apply too) programmers to impress and allegedly to aid in creativity? The other is the truth of the aggregated knowledge along with the quirks inherent in every human mind.”
Well put, Stephen.
Stephen, I think we’re talking at cross purposes. My post had nothing at all to do with the simplicity or complexity of cameras.
Day after day I’m bombarded with those spinning their wares and deceits. Buy me, use me, learn from me: snake oil salesmen all.
Truth? Well, truth be told I wouldn’t know it if it bit me on the arse: lies are far more interesting.
Digital allows one to approach and enjoy both aspects of the classical musical analogy of score and performance without wasting a lot of materials and creating much physical garbage. Garbage may still be created digitally, but it vanishes with a click, saving time and transportation to the incinerator costs for the local authorities. I have no idea which process, in the end, produces the larger carbon footprint.
I see a connection there with the condom. Unless, of course, one prints, at which stage the population of prints still just grows and grows, generally to little practical purpose.
I was watching a Spanish tv station some minutes ago, and several black/white perfume commercials were on show. It struck me that digital, when used for high-key work, can sometimes seem oddly drained of atmosphere, a kind of chalky look coming into play. Now, these are commercials made by some of the most brilliant production crews around, and I’m left wondering whether what I see is because those crews probably consist of fairly young people without analogue reference points, or whether the look is exactly what the clients wanted… all I can say with certainty is that for me, the look is a terribly poor, drained rendition of what high-key used to mean.
Unless I imagined it, I would swear that I saw a news flash that Boris’ father has applied for French citizenship… how beautifully ironic, and at the 11th hour, too! So much for the much-vaunted concept of English identity, confused sometimes with national borders, being such an irresistible draw.
This is probably my last post of the day, hence of the year, so I’d just like to take the opportunity to wish one and all a great ’21, and that what we desire most comes our way. As they say (and topically, too), be careful for what you wish!