As this blog proves, any idiot can claim to be an expert on about anything. It never ceases to amaze me the folks who contact me, expecting me to know some arcane matter about Leica cameras. It’s flattering, no doubt, but I’m just a guy with some free time who decided to fill it up by writing about something I love – Leica film cameras. That doesn’t mean I know much of anything about them. It just means I’ve got a dial-up connection, a WordPress account and too much time on my hands.
Apparently this guy does too.
Hits: 201
It was so bad it was good, for anyone who didn’t get it he’s reviewing the 35mm 1.4
There are a host of Eric Kim Youtubes in the same class…..
I actually don’t mind Eric Kim. He’ll admit to being a noob while still being informative. It is fun however, to watch him “discover” “new” photographers who’ve been around for 50 years, but then again, every new generation has to start somewhere.
Hahaa, funny. I noticed this bloger because of the name “Leica Review”, but after watching one of his blog, I was amazed – in the same way.
You should see this guy’s Noctilux review. I’ve never heard anyone talk so slowly and then repeat himself.
I like the content on your site and have to agree about this guys reviews…… not good. Music and his comments are poor to say the least. Keep up the site work, thanks.
His comparison video between the 50mm APO Cron and the Zeiss 1.5 Sonnar puts me to sleep. No seriously… I put it on if I have trouble going to sleep. Works every time.
I usually stay clear of anything négative but this guy is a special case.
The question being what public is it intended for.
If you look at the comments on youtube, apart those sarcastic you have part of the answer.
It occurs to me, I have not visited The Onion in quite some time. Thanks for the reminder.
I managed to get through about one minute of that before switching off. Do I win a prize?
I’ve wanted a couple of his videos, Leica, classical music, fancy clothing, all that’s missing is a brandy snifter. They are painful to watch but then again he is kinda cute.
Oops meant to say watched a couple of his videos, lol
Every so often I forget the name of this channel and then accidentally start watching the first few seconds of one of these videos. Tragic. But what you SHOULD be watching is this guy. He’s the funniest (intentionally) thing on YouTube. Pure genius:
Thanks alot- now you got me addicted to watching these crap videos- so bad, it was great… Genius!
And I thought Andre the giant had passed away…
Leica Review has a posse. We need stickers.